Welcome to “The Ascension” homepage!
Hello, I am Cecye.
On this site, I write about spiritual wisdom to live better in the world with the currently ongoing phenomenon called "The Ascension" and following "The New Light World".
Thirdly, strangely enough, many souls in the spiritual world who are experiencing such great awakenings and spiritual evolutions are now gathering together to unite build one and only spiritual community of Earth no longer held back by various obstacles of Earth religions, colors, borders, societies or old customs. Influenced by […]
2013/06/15 6:03 PM, Cosmic Civilizations & Ancient Civilizations / Religions / Spiritualism & Spiritual World
3. As Ascension progresses, the spiritual worlds are quite throughly purified, therefore most spirits of the ancestors and the bygones are not on the side of being mourned for but on the side of indirectly protecting the living. Thirdly, as it may sound strange as it seems, there is a […]
2013/06/14 5:05 PM, Buddism / Religions / Spiritualism & Spiritual World
2. As a result of Ascension that blurs the boundary between this world and worlds on different dimensions, many more people can have a sort of spiritual experiences on a daily basis. Secondly, even more unusual it may sound, as Ascension progresses the afterworld, what has been understood as heaven, […]
2013/06/13 7:08 AM, Spiritualism & Spiritual World / The Truth of Time & Space
2. Current Earth that is changing into a “semi-spiritual world” has been in a mix of major three ideas of the world based on: the traditional religious paradise, cartoon or anime like fantasy and the traditional material world. Secondly, our current Earth is surprisingly enough, turning into a sort of “semi-spiritual […]
2013/06/12 7:03 AM, Spiritualism & Spiritual World / The Truth of Time & Space
As I said before, I am planning to post my blog articles less regularly and I am going to tell you about the most recent updates on what has over a few posts as the situation in the spiritual world is rapidly changing. 1. The material world we are living […]
2013/06/11 5:11 PM, Current Circumstances of the Ascension / Recommended Articles / Spiritualism & Spiritual World / The Truth of Time & Space